Kea Parish Council

Welcome to Kea Parish Councils Website

Community Grants November 2023

Grant applications are now open for decision at Novembers meeting of Kea Parish Council. Please ensure that application forms are returned to the clerk by Friday 3rd November in order to be considered. 

Grant making policy updated April 2021

Grant application form 2023

Grant application form 2023 – word


Playing Place Woodland Path

Kea Parish Council wish to apply for a modification to the Cornwall Councils definitive map of footpaths, to include the path through Playing Place woodland that runs from the back of Kea Community Centre to further along Old Coach Road. If you have used this path regularly over the past 20 years, or for any part of the last 20 years you can help us by completing an evidence form. Evidence can be downloaded below and dropped into Kea Community centre once completed, there will be a box in the foyer. The reason for adding the path to the definitive map is to ensure that the path remains accessible to members of the public for the future.

Evidence forms for DMMO (Definitive map modification order) for path through Playing Place woods

The location of the path is Kea Community Centre (SW 81090 41564) to Old Coach Road (SW 81304 41860)

From the 23rd September the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) Accessibility Regulations 2018 aim to ensure websites are accessible to people with various disabilities. We are currently working to make updates to comply with these regulations.

We are now on Facebook. Please have a look at our page, like it and become our friend!

About the website

Our website serves the parish of Kea and has two main aims:

  • to allow Kea Parish Council documents and information to be distributed and available for everyone to access
  • to engage you with the activities of your Parish Council and encourage your input and participation in Parish Council matters

The website is run by Kea Parish Council for our residents and aims to offer a useful information resource for all. We hope you find the website easy to use and helps you to keep connected to the activities of your Parish Council.

Please get in touch if you have any suggestions about how we might improve the website.
Contact details: 07716896635

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